Them Deeper Bones

Join the Free Beta!

Them Deeper Bones RPG is currently in playtesting. To get access to the latest PDFs of the three books (The Player's Book, The Guide Book and The Black Shield Canton) for free, head over to the TDB Discord Server and join the Company.

Join the Playtest now!

(TDB Discord)

Them Deeper Bones?

Them Deeper Bones is a retro adventure role-playing game where adventuring heroes set out to explore the post-post-apocalyptic fantasy world and piece out the history of their lost homeland. If you like to solve problems through your own wits and role-playing instead of dice-rolling and character optimisation, this is the TTRPG for you.

Some key features:

Download a short preview

(preview currently from version beta.1.5)

Get the full version from Discord

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Tools and Downloadables

Character Sheet b.1.5 (A4)

Character Sheet b.1.1 (letter)

Character keeper b.1.0


Twitch channel for the daily writing streams

The Daily Writing Streams in a playtlist

Them Deeper Bones Character Creation Demo Video

Them Deeper Bones Combat Demo Video

Development Blog


The games I know to have had a huge influence on the development of Them Deeper Bones:

And some games that do not have an official release yet as of writing, but whose design process has still had an influence on the design: